Experience Divine Love in Every Day Life

Are you longing to connect more deeply with Allah and feel more joy in your spiritual practices? Join me for an exclusive, online course based on the internationally bestselling book, Secrets of Divine Love. 


Divine Love Courses

Take a Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam

Secrets of Divine Love Course

Based on the best-selling book, this course is made for those who are longing for a deeper connection with the Divine through an approach to faith that is inspiring, uplifting, and above all serves to connect their hearts more deeply with Allah. 

As-Salamualaykum my friend,

I'm A. Helwa,

I believe that every person is deeply loved by the Divine. I believe that your birthright is love, that your existence is the greatest sign of Allah's love for you. He is Al-Wadud, the origin of all love so what He creates is from love and is love. Who am I? I am a writer who has spent the last 15 years studying spirituality to share with you the essence of Islam through heart-centered teachings based on the Qur'an, hadith, spiritual stories, and poetry. My prayer is that Allah always guides me on the path of truth, kindness, love and the deepest of mercy for myself and the reader. Ameen

"I am simply entranced by A. Helwa's metaphors and insights. The bulk of her sentences are poetry in motion and studded with pearls of wisdom. The creative way Helwa has integrated her heart knowledge into her understanding of Islam is stunning.

- Imam Jamal Rahman

"Secrets of Divine Love is a masterful map of the landscape of the soul on its journey home to the One who both transcends and dwells within all that is."

- Mirabai Starr

"So often we are asked where and how one accesses the inner heart of the Islamic tradition, and now I can say, here it is! Helwa does a beautiful job of taking us, no matter what our faith background, through the Qur'an, teachings of the Prophet, Rumi, and other mystical luminaries."

- Professor Omid Safi

What is your heart desiring? 

A Spiritual Journey into the heart of Islam

Dive into the spiritual secrets hidden in the five pillars and discover the hidden symbols within the Qur'an through poetry, stories, psychology, and more!


Unveiling your own Insights through Journaling

This companion to Secrets of Divine Love has even more stories, poetry, and prayers in addition to dozens of questions that spark contemplation. 


Heart-based, poetic Reflections on Islam and Faith

Inspiring and comforting reflections on faith, life, and all the things in-between. Allow yourself to be inspired by the rhyme and rhythm of verse. 


The leaves whisper it. The birds sing it. It is Ramadan, the holy season of giving!

But Adam and Alyah can't help wondering: what is the real meaning of Ramadan? Fortunately, wise Grandma Essi knows just what to do. With ruby pomegranates picked from Grandma Essi's magnificent tree, the two grandchildren set off to visit their friends and neighbors, share their blessings, and discover, as Grandma Essi no doubt intended all along, to feel the spirit of the holiest month of the year.


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